History Day
Minitex News articles tagged with "History Day" (36):

History Day research help is here
A new set of guides and tutorials has been created for History Day projects. History Day - The Research Process can help students with creating search strategies, identifying primary and secondary sources, and finding freely accessible library resources.

MN History Day needs judges
MN History Day is looking to fill 500 judge spots.

Be a History Day Judge!
Sign up for both in-person and virtual judging for Minnesota History Day is now open. Judges do not have to be historians! They are seeking volunteers from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Minnesota represents at National History Day 2022!
After an exciting week and an in-person watch party today, the 2022 Virtual National History Day Contest is complete. Team Minnesota included 65 students, representing 36 entries, from 23 different schools.

Minnesota Virtual History State Judging 2022 - Sign-Up Now Open
History Day in Minnesota Judging is now open. History Day staff are seeking judges from across Minnesota to help (virtually) judge History Day research projects from Minnesota middle and high school students. If you are interested in judging for State - judge sign-up is now officially open. Please see the information below on how to register correctly.

New Minnesota Digital Library exhibit: History Day Resources
The Minnesota Digital Library recently published an online exhibition that shares National History Day Resources. This exhibit highlights the array of resources available to students, parents, and teachers.

History Day resources available in Ebooks Minnesota
If you're working with students on a National History Day 2022 project, Ebooks Minnesota has loads of books relevant to this year's theme, Debate & Diplomacy in History.

Minnesota History Day National Awards
Minnesota was well represented at this year's National History Day competition with several students being award medals, scholarships, special prizes, and national showcases.

Judges Needed for Minnesota History Day Contest
Minnesota History Day needs judges for regional and state competitions! Be a judge and learn about the amazing work by students across Minnesota.

Communication in History: Ebooks Minnesota History Day curation
As students start choosing topics and researching this year's National History Day theme, you can direct them to the Ebooks Minnesota, Communication in History curation.