by Carla Pfahl
Quick Summary
History Day in Minnesota Judging is now open. History Day staff are seeking judges from across Minnesota to help (virtually) judge History Day research projects from Minnesota middle and high school students. If you are interested in judging for State - judge sign-up is now officially open. Please see the information below on how to register correctly.

How to Sign-Up to Judge:
- To sign-up for REGIONALS ONLY: Visit the Virtual Regional Signup. Click Create Account in the upper toolbar. Select Judge from the drop-down menu.
- To sign-up for STATE ONLY: Visit the Virtual State Signup. Click Create Account in the upper toolbar. Select Judge from the drop-down menu.
- To sign-up for BOTH Virtual Regionals and Virtual State Contests: You will use the same login information for both events.
- Sign-up for your first event and create an account for either contest using the links above.
- To add another event: After creating your account for an event, make sure you are logged into a contest.
- If you are already logged into a contest, click Judging in the top toolbar, then select External Portal from the drop-down menu. This will bring you to the Multi-Contest Judge Access Portal.
- If you are not logged into a contest, go to Click the Multi-Contest Judge Access box. Insert the email address and password used to create your account for the first event and click the blue Sign-in button.
- Add a second event to your account: From the Multi-Contest Judge Access Portal, click the green Add button to view the list of all NHD contests. Scroll down to Minnesota and select your second event. Click the green Request Access to Judge button.
- What happens then? After you request access, you will see a yellow Pending button next to the contest name. After you have requested access to the contest(s) for which you want to judge, click the gray Close button at the top of the screen.
Additional Contest Reminders
- Judging will take place over the course of several days during each contest. There will be no student interviews with virtual contests, so your timeline to review projects is flexible within the contest window.
- We have updated the History Day website with vital information for judges, including expectations, a general FAQ, and History Day information.
- If you have co-workers, friends, or family members that may be interested, please help us spread the word. Experienced History Day judges are essential to a successful competition, but we also love fresh faces! Remember, judges don’t have to be historians. We seek volunteers from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences.I hope you will join us once again, and help make a difference in the lives of Minnesota students.
Ready to sign-up? Visit the History Day website to select the correct contest.