by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
The second Minnesota Author Project contest is underway. The project will honor Minnesota's best self-published authors in both the Young Adult and Adult Fiction categories. One winner in each category will collect a $1,000 prize. The submission period runs until May 31.

The second Minnesota Author Project contest is underway. The project, coordinated by MN Writes MN Reads in partnership with Library Journal, Biblioboard, and the Minnesota Library Foundation, will honor Minnesota's best self-published authors in Young Adult and Adult Fiction. One winner in each category will collect a $1,000 prize. The submission period runs until May 31, 2019.
The winning authors will be celebrated at this year's Public Library Association Conference in Nashville and their works will be included in a full-page spread in Library Journal. Eligible submissions must be written by a Minnesota resident and available as an ePUB or PDF file. For additional details and to submit your work, visit the project website.
The Minnesota Author Project is the most recent addition to a suite of services Minnesota's libraries have spearheaded to serve self-published authors. The Minnesota Libraries Publishing Project (MLPP), an initiative (coordinated by Minitex and supported by Minnesota's public and academic libraries) provides free, statewide access to Pressbooks. Pressbooks enables self-published authors to present their works in professional-grade formats for online, ebook, and print distribution. The MN Writes MN Reads "create-share-read" platform invites writers to create ebooks (relying upon MLPP), share their books with readers in the Indie Minnesota online collection, and read books by other independent authors (also in Indie Minnesota).