by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
Minnesota Library Association Legislative Working Group is proposing a Minnesota spin on the Libraries Transform initiative and would like to create several uniquely Minnesota “Because” statements. We’re seeking submissions from library supporters, and these statements can be about the services and value you see in any type of library (public, academic, school, government, and others).

Please enter and promote the following contest among your colleagues. We have had over 50 submissions so far!
Because 5 out of 5 Doctors Agree Reading Aloud to Children Supports Brain Development
Because Today’s Gamer Could Be Tomorrow’s Inventor
Because 5 Million Students Can’t Access Broadband at Home
Have you seen statements like this up at your local library or on social media? They’re part of the American Libraries Association (ALA) Libraries Transform campaign, and they’re designed to increase awareness of the value, impact, and services provided by libraries and library staff.
As Minnesota library legislative day approaches (March 6th), the Minnesota Library Association Legislative Working Group is proposing a Minnesota spin on the Libraries Transform initiative and would like to create several uniquely Minnesota “Because” statements. We’re seeking submissions from library supporters, and these statements can be about the services and value you see in any type of library (public, academic, school, government, and others). Your submissions will be collected and used for virtual library legislative week in Minnesota, March 5-9th, 2018. One lucky winner will receive a large print of their Minnesota Libraries Transform Because statement.
How to Submit
- Deadline to submit is Friday, February 2nd, 2018
- On Twitter, use the hashtag #MnLibrariesTransform
Format example: Because audiobooks turn snowy commutes into adventures #mnlibrariesstransform
OR - Submit online
Need ideas? Take a look at the statements that ALA has created.
More Information
The contest is sponsored by the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) Legislative Working Group and the Information and Technology Educators of Minnesota (ITEM). More information about library legislative activities in 2018 can be found on the MLA website.