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For every pointless, unhelpful reflection on the future of libraries, there are numerous thoughtful pieces that may help us figure out the future, one bit at a time.


For every pointless, unhelpful reflection on the future of libraries, there are numerous thoughtful pieces that may help us figure out the future, one bit at a time. The East coast news site NewsWorks recently ran a story that highlighted some developing library jobs, including data forensic scientist and civil rights archivist. Niche, to be sure, but these examples may be indicative of new avenues where some of our traditional skills can shine. Library Journal columnist Cheryl LaGuardia shared results of an informal survey asking librarians about promising future directions within the library field for job seekers to pursue. All of the replies are anecdotal, of course, (as commenters on the article eagerly point out), but there’s value in hearing the opinions of practitioners and looking to specific cases as bellwethers of broader trends.

Written by

Matt Lee
Associate Director