Future of Libraries
Minitex News articles tagged with "Future of Libraries" (8):

Call for proposals to present at Minitex Connect
Minitex was conceived as a library information network, and that's what it still is today. We *are* our connections with libraries across Minnesota and beyond. The Minitex Connect conference, held May 3-4, 2022, celebrates this interconnectivity and builds upon it by inviting each and every part of the library community to come together to learn and to share successes, create new ideas, and plan our best possible future together.

Making the Case: Influencing Your Funding Future
Moderated by ALA Past President Courtney Young, Making the Case: Influencing Your Funding Future was an especially timely session at this year's American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Chicago. If you haven’t heard of the ALA Fight for Libraries campaign, visit the website to learn more. The panel included experts on making the case for funding support in today’s political climate.

Highlights from DPLAfest 2016: Copyright Clarity, Future of Libraries, and DPLA's Primary Source Sets rollout
April 14th-15th marked the 2016 DPLAfest held in Washington D.C. I attended sessions at various locations such as the Library of Congress - Jefferson and Madison Buildings, The National Archives, and The Smithsonian Ripley Center. Highlights included getting clarity on copyright from RightsStatements.org, a panel session on the future of libraries, and information about DPLA's rollout of the collaborative Primary Source Sets project.

Upcoming ALCTS webinar: Current Trends & New Skills in Technical Services
In this upcoming ALCTS webinar on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., presenters will explore current trends and developments in library technical services and discuss how they will impact the future of this field of librarianship. Participants will learn about hard skills (such as programming, language acquisition, time management, and metadata schema) and soft skills (such as collaboration, creativity, initiative, and overall attitude) that will be instrumental in his/her success in the future of technical services.

Upcoming ALCTS webinar: Is Technical Services Dead?
This ALCTS webinar on Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. considers a provocative question: Is technical services dead? The presenters will discuss the recent past, the present, and the future of cataloging and technical services.

The value of libraries at ALA Midwinter 2016
I kicked off 2016 by attending the American Library Association Midwinter meeting in Boston. There was one session in particular that inspired me to think more about my future, and our shared future in libraries. I attended the panel session called “Creativity, Innovation and Change: Libraries Transform in the Digital Age!”

Figuring out the future of library jobs
For every pointless, unhelpful reflection on the future of libraries, there are numerous thoughtful pieces that may help us figure out the future, one bit at a time.

The Future Library
Futurist Thomas Frey had an interesting blog post recently called “The Future Library – A Liquid Network for Ideas” on his website