Quick Summary
The Dickinson Area Public Library is looking for a new Bookmobile and School Services Librarian. This individual will serve as the school librarian for the rural schools in Billings and Slope Counties.
Text courtesy of Rita Ennen, Library Director, Dickinson Area Public Library
The Dickinson Area Public Library is looking for a new Bookmobile and School Services Librarian. This individual will serve as the school librarian for the rural schools in Billings and Slope Counties. This will include librarian teacher responsibilities as in other school libraries. The school libraries are served two days per week. The Bookmobile Librarian will also have primary responsibility for all bookmobile routes. Our bookmobile is unique in that we serve a very rural area and even make stops at ranches in Slope County! In 2018, our bookmobile made 333 stops and traveled 14,416 miles.
This position is responsible for managing a designated area of library services. Provides assistance to library users and acquires, organizes, manages and distributes library resources to ensure meeting the needs of all library users. Independent judgment is required to plan, prioritize, and organize resources in area of assignment. Requires excellent oral and written communication.
Salary Range: $18.21-$19.73 per hour
Application Deadline: 5:00 PM on Tuesday, November 5th
To apply, please visit the City of Dickinson, ND website.