by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
Staff from DIME (Digital Initiatives and Metadata Education) will be attending and presenting several sessions at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference in St. Paul. We'll also have a Minnesota Digtial Library (MDL) professional table in the exhibits area. If you're a current Minnesota Reflections Contributor or are thinking about starting a digital project with the MDL, stop by and visit with our MDL Outreach Coordinator Molly Huber and our MDL Metadata Coordinator Greta Bahnemann.

Staff from DIME (Digital Initiatives and Metadata Education) will be attending and presenting several sessions at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference in St. Paul. We'll also have a Minnesota Digtial Library (MDL) professional table in the exhibits area. If you're a current Minnesota Reflections Contributor or are thinking about starting a digital project with the MDL, stop by and visit with our MDL Outreach Coordinator Molly Huber and our MDL Metadata Coordinator Greta Bahnemann. Or just stop by and say hello, and pick up one of our new Minnesota Reflections calendars!
Creating Our Future: Finding Inspiration in Digital Collections
Jason Roy (University of Minnesota Libraries), Carla Urban and Molly Huber (Minitex)
Thursday, October 8, 10:45am - 11:45am
With more items online than ever before, the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is a great place to search to enhance knowledge and inspire creativity. The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) is a key partner in this effort, now one of the top ten contributors of digitized items to this national resource. So what is new with these two partners? Come to this session to get updates on the addition to DPLA of almost half a million objects from some of Minnesota's best-known cultural institutions, the development of the second project to be added under the MDL umbrella, Minnesota Immigrants, our experiences with the MDL/DPLA Public Library Partnerships Project (PLPP) grant, and our continued efforts to build MDL's premier project, Minnesota Reflections, through new initiatives.
Flying Weasels and Snoring Hummingbirds: Techniques to Discover and Critically Read Quality Images
Greta Bahnemann and Jennifer Hootman (Minitex), Shana Crosson (Minnesota Historical Society)
Thursday, October 8, 10:45am - 11:45am
Do hummingbirds really snore? Do weasels form friendships with woodpeckers? Is that dress really blue and black or gold and white? Viral images and videos generate huge amounts of traffic and discussion among community via social media, but do we actually understand what we're viewing? Are we "reading" media accurately? Are we asking ourselves critical questions that will add to our community knowledge base or are we inadvertently spreading misinformation? Join us for a deep dive exploration into effective search techniques to locate quality digital collections, build proficiency in using local Minnesota digital resources (Minnesota Reflections and the Minnesota Historical Society) and discover the Google of Digital Collections (the Digital Public Library of America). We will also explore strategies for reading images with greater accuracy and critical thinking skills. These techniques, criteria, and strategies will provide educators with helpful resources for classroom discussion and research projects.
Creating the Future: A Minitex Cataloging & Metadata Update
Jolie Graybill, Lizzy Baus, and Sara Ring (Minitex)
Thursday, October 8, 3:45pm - 4:45pm
With more users beginning their information searches on the web, the library community has been inspired to work towards making our rich, authoritative library data more shareable and usable in the wider context. Attend the Minitex cataloging & metadata update and learn about what's new with RDA; BIBFRAME (the replacement for the MARC format) developments and examples of implementation; and other news from the digitization, cataloging & metadata education staff at Minitex.