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Quick Summary

I came across an interesting article in the August 20th issue of Education Week, that I wanted to share.  The article, How


I came across an interesting article in the August 20th issue of Education Week, that I wanted to share.  The article, How Do We Teach With Primary Sources When So Many Voices Are Missing?", caught my attention.  This is something that most history teachers struggle with.  The voices of indigenous, Native American, and minority groups are, in many cases, nonexistent in historical sources.  Either their voices have been silenced or there is no known record.  Primary sources of marginalized groups can be very difficult to locate and those that are available have usually been transcribed by the white majortiy.  If this topic interests you, take a look at the article mentioned.  You may gain some insight into this complicated issue.

Written by

Beth Staats
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, Ebooks MN Coordinator