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Minitex News articles tagged with "Primary Sources" (13):

Explore architectural styles with MDL's newest timeline

The Minnesota Digital Library has recently created a timeline to highlight several examples of architectural styles found in Minnesota from the 1850s and beyond. Viewed together, these buildings show just how much our built environment has changed over the years.

Discover the past with MDL's interactive timelines

Timelines are useful tools for teaching and learning about people, places, and events in the past. The Minnesota Digital Library has started creating interactive online timelines that place historical images, documents, maps, and more at specific moments in time. Explore these timelines to engage with our digital collections in a new way.

Immigrant miners on Minnesota's Iron Range

June is Immigrant Heritage Month. "Mining on the Iron Range," one of the Minnesota Digital Library's many primary source sets, features historical photos and information about the immigrants who made Minnesota's Iron Range mining industry possible.

Britannica Original Sources now available in ELM

eLibrary Minnesota now includes access to Britannica Original Sources, a compilation of more than 420,000 primary source documents, complete books, and authentic images. Students, teachers, and parents have instant access to an online library full of the creations and discoveries of history's greatest minds as recorded in the authors' original words.

ProQuest sponsored webinar recap: Confronting Hard History: Using Primary Sources to Teach Slavery, Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter

Just yesterday, I attended an ACRL / Choice webinar, sponsored by ProQuest, titled Confronting Hard History: Using Primary Sources to Teach Slavery, Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter. Presented by Hasan Kwane Jeffries, PhD, an author and Associate Professor of History at Ohio State University. As I know the importance of primary sources from majoring in history and working with students on History Day projects, this webinar offered insight into using them to teach the hard stuff.

ELM tips & tricks: Finding primary sources

History Day is now in full swing, and many second semester research projects are beginning. If you are working with students searching for those elusive primary sources, encourage them to check out these databases in eLibrary Minnesota (ELM).

The challenge of teaching with primary sources: missing voices

I came across an interesting article in the August 20th issue of Education Week, that I wanted to share.  The article, How Do We Teach With Pri

New Primary Source Set: History of Chiropractic in Minnesota

The Minnesota Digital Library is pleased to announce a new Minnesota Reflections Primary Source Set, "History of Chiropractic in Minnesota." Susan J. Vossberg, the Technical Services Librarian at the Northwestern Health Sciences University, developed and wrote this set. Her Primary Source Set explores the history of Chiropractic medicine in Minnesota, including the development of the various schools and training programs in Minnesota.

Knowledge is power

In light of our own inter-office work regarding primary source packets spearheaded by Jennifer Hootman and Greta Bahnemann, I thought it fitting to share the many ways in which librarians seek to tie historical instances and materials with very present and timely conversations. After the Philando Castile shooting, the librarians at Gale Family Library at the Minnesota Historical Society put together the following press briefing and shared it on Facebook.

Minitex Staff at Minnesota eLearning Summit 2016

If you’re planning to attend the Minnesota eLearning Summit this year, be sure to catch Minitex staff at the conference!

Breakout Session

Deep Dive Into Digital Content: Minnesota Reflections Primary Source Sets