Minitex News articles tagged with "EBSCO" (75):

Ready to preview the new EBSCOhost UI?
A new EBSCOhost experience and interface is coming in 2024, and EBSCO is inviting users to contact them to arrange previews.

RIPM Jazz Periodicals: coming in January 2024
RIPM Jazz Periodical, a unique collection of rare and historically significant jazz periodicals, is coming in January 2024.

EBSCO: changes coming to personal user account consent
In late November, as part of EBSCO's organization-wide focus on user privacy, they will release a redesigned consent experience in their products. This will be available when users create a MyEBSCO personal account.

Learn at the Library: Neck and Back Pain
“Ah, my back!” I’ve been saying this more and more lately, and I know I’m not the only one. I should have known everything would soon be going downhill when I turned 23 this past year. I mean, I’m almost halfway to 50. Should I just accept my fate?

EBSCO's subprocessors: change notification
EBSCO is upgrading their internal visual analytics and reporting capability (Tableau) with Tableau Cloud, which is hosted in AWS.

EBSCO Exploring Race in Society free database now available
EBSCO's free Exploring Race in Society database is now available. This free database contains context and solutions-oriented points of view within a scholarly collection of proprietary and licensed content on topics related to race, ethnicity, diversity, and inclusiveness.

EBSCO LearningExpress to require strong passwords
As of July 7, EBSCO will require all LearningExpress users to have a strong password. Users with older passwords will be prompted to change their passwords before August 7.

EBSCO proxy authentication notification
EBSCO has updated the proxy service configuration file available on EBSCO Connect. Any delay in updating proxy configuration may impact specific features, but will not otherwise disrupt access.

EBSCO proxy authentication change
EBSCO is making a change to its interfaces and services in May 2023 to no longer allow communication via older non-supported versions of TLS (Transport Layer Security).

New free ESBCO database coming soon: Exploring Race in Society
This free database from EBSCO contains context and solutions-oriented points of view within a scholarly collection of proprietary and licensed content on topics related to race, ethnicity, diversity and inclusiveness.