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Minitex News articles tagged with "EBSCO" (75):

New EBSCO Metadata Policy for Discovery Systems

Edited from EBSCO and Ex Libris press releases Editor’s note: EBSCO recently announced a new policy that allows much of its database content to be indexed in competitors’ discovery systems, a practice it has not employed for years.

EBSCO Highlights Curriculum Standards

Edited from EBSCO press release As schools revisit state curriculum standards and more U.S.

EIU Country Reports No Longer in Business Source Premier

Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) country reports are no longer included in Business Source Premier. EBSCO cites prohibitive cost as the main factor in deciding to not renew their contract with EIU.

Language Translators in ELM and MinneTESOL

On November 9, ROI presented at the MinneTESOL (Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Conference held at the Hilton Doubletree in Bloomington.  This is the third time we’ve presented at this conference over the past four years.   This year the conference brough

Enhancements to EBSCOhost Interface Coming in October

Edited from EBSCO On, or after, 29 October 2013, EBSCO is releasing several updates and enhancements to the overall look of the Search, Search Results, and Detailed Record pages within EBSCOhost.  These updates provide a more visually appealing and intuitive interface for