University Presses represent the work of scholars from the world’s top universities, and their scholarly monographs are the culmination of the most advanced research in their fields.
Explora is a new interface for K-12 students, teachers, and public libraries and has been added as an overlay to some EBSCO resources already provided via Minitex.
Multiple versions of Explora have been released for schools and public libraries.
Edited from EBSCO announcement
As a subscriber of at least one of the databases listed here, you will soon receive high-interest video content from the Associated Press, the world’s leading news agenc
EBSCO’s updated online eBook viewer supports reading on desktop or laptop computers and tablet devices. Our reader is browser-based, so there’s no need to download special software or hardware; users simply search, click and immediately start reading.
EBSCO recently announced the availability of its new Explora interface. The interface can provide access to any EBSCO database, but is targeted toward K-12 and public library researchers.
EBSCO will begin rolling out a new interface to its K-12 databases in February. The new interface is called Explora, and it looks like it will be applied to the following ELM databases: Searchasaurus, Kids Search, and Student Research Center.
Reprinted from POV Newsletter, an EBSCO publication
This month we're featuring a Common Core best practice from a high school in New York.
Common Core Best Practices
Ballston Spa High School, Saratoga County, NY
Library Media Specialist Marie Rossi uses Points of View Reference
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