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Minitex News articles tagged with "Ebooks Minnesota" (110):

It's a Baby African Animals Series for Elementary and Young Readers

Did you know that along with many other animal series, Ebooks Minnesota, contains ABDO's Baby African Animals series?  This series highlights the birth through young adulthood of African baby animals.

MNLINK transition update - configuration

MNLINK continues to move forward in anticipation of the new public discovery. Branding for the program will change in that we’ll no longer refer to the Gateway, just calling the program MNLINK. 

Minnesota Digital Library co-presents with Queens Public Library and Metropolitan New York Library Council at ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, FL

Molly Huber and Jolie Graybill from Minitex co-presented with Natalie Milbrodt, Queens Public Library and Caroline Catchpole, Metropolitan New York Library Council at the 2016 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, FL, “From Macro to Micro: How Small-Scale Digitization can Make a Big Difference”.

Like Ebooks Minnesota on Facebook

For content, author, and publisher updates, as well as related events in the area, be sure to *like* the Ebooks Minnesota Facebook page at

Ebooks Minnesota Author, Sue Leaf, Reads in Cambridge Tonight

If you're in the area, Minnesota author, Sue Leaf, will share her memoir from the University of Minnesota Press, Portage: A Family, a Canoe, and the Search for the Good Life, tonight, Thursday, June 2, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. at Scout & Morgan Books in Cambridge, MN.

Interview with Brian Evenson: Fiction Author in Ebooks Minnesota

Brian Evenson, author of The Open Curtain: A NovelWindeye, and Fugue State, all available in Ebooks Minnesota, is interviewed about his work in an article published in 

International Ebook News Down Under-- Indyreads

Indyreads, an econtent management platform is now up and running at two libraries in New South Wales. Highlighting Australian authors and fiction, Indyreads, like Ebooks Minnesota, supports the "read local" concept.

Ebooks Minnesota: available to all Minnesotans, regardless of where you live in the state

Liz Lynch, Director of the Lake Agassiz Regional Library, and her staff, have found that offering the Ebooks Minnesota collection to patrons outside the library boundaries is a great alternative.  She shared the following with us:

Minitex awarded $695,000 federal grant to enhance ebooks app

Library users will more easily access ebooks across multiple systems thanks to SimplyE, a free app for phones and tablets that is being further developed at Minitex, a joint program of the University of Minnesota Libraries and the Minnesota Office of Higher Education.

MNLINK Gateway transition - electronic resource availability

Read about how the new MNLINK Gateway will have improved access to electronic resources. All content licensed through Minitex collections should be available without requiring users in Minnesota to login.