by Nick Banitt
Quick Summary
Read about how the new MNLINK Gateway will have improved access to electronic resources. All content licensed through Minitex collections should be available without requiring users in Minnesota to login.

The new MNLINK Gateway will have improved access to electronic resources. Currently it requires users to login and adjust their search profile when they want to locate online content. Search results for the new MNLINK Gateway will have integrated content from all resources with facets to limit search results as needed. All content licensed through Minitex collections should be available without requiring users in Minnesota to login. Users will see a button to "View online" when the content is available as an electronic resource.
- Ebooks Minnesota content will be accessible to users authenticated through an IP geolocation service.
- Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) will use a proxy service to authenticate users when they select available content.
- Minnesota Reflections will continue to be available to all users through the new MnLINK Gateway.