by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
Liz Lynch, Director of the Lake Agassiz Regional Library, and her staff, have found that offering the Ebooks Minnesota collection to patrons outside the library boundaries is a great alternative. She shared the following with us:

Liz Lynch, Director of the Lake Agassiz Regional Library, and her staff, have found that offering the Ebooks Minnesota collection to patrons outside the library boundaries is a great alternative. She shared the following with us:
"We frequently receive requests from customers residing outside of the Lake Agassiz Regional Library who want access to our OverDrive Collection. In order to access the collection, customers must have a LARL card. Unfortunately, we only issue cards to those who reside within our geographic boundaries, or who own land within our boundaries.
If we have to say “no” to a customer, we always like to offer an alternative. So, when I have been contacted over the past couple of months, I have replied with the following:
“Unfortunately, we are only able to grant access to our OverDrive digital collection to those who reside or own land within the boundaries of the Lake Agassiz Regional Library system. However, I would like to let you know about a new state-wide ebook resource.... EbooksMN was recently launched and contains ebooks for all ages. All of the ebooks are available to all Minnesotans, regardless of where you live in the state. Visit this page for more information,, and please let me know if you have any questions about accessing this new resource.”
Thank you Liz for helping to promote this statewide resource!