Ebooks Minnesota
Minitex News articles tagged with "Ebooks Minnesota" (110):

Ebooks Minnesota Highlight: Hot Dog! Eleanor Roosevelt Throws a Picnic
Written by Leslie Kimmelman, and illustrated by Victor Juhasz, Hot Dog! Eleanor Roosevelt Throws a Picnic, is an award winning childrens book available in Ebooks Minnesota. Published by Sleeping Bear Press, this book, for grades 3-6, has won several regional and national awards.
National Book Critics Circle Announces Finalists for 2016 Awards
National Book Critics Circle Announces Finalists for 2016 Awards

Ebooks Minnesota Collection Now in Enterprise
Ebooks Minnesota is now integrated with Dakota County Library's eResource Central (eRC) in Enterprise discovery.

History Day Content in Ebooks Minnesota
From now until late January, students participating in National History Day will be heavy into researching their topics (or at least we hope they are).

Ebooks Minnesota Highlight: Beautiful Music for Ugly Children
Winner of an American Library Association Stonewall Award, Beautiful Music for Ugly Children, was written by Kirstin Cronn-Mills.
November is National American Indian Heritage Month
November is National American Indian Heritage Month.
In celebration of this month, here are a few titles from Ebooks Minnesota:

Ebooks Minnesota Highlight: The Road Back to Sweetgrass
Published by the University of Minnesota Press, The Road Back to Sweetgrass is set on a fictional reservation in northern Minnesota. A coming of age story of three American Indian women as they find their way through the trials and tribulations of life and love.

Indie Authors in the Classroom: Recap of ITEM session
While I was exhibiting at the ITEM Conference last week, I snuck away briefly to attend a session titled, The Indie Author Impact on Teaching and Learning.
Minitex ROI at ITEM and MEA Conferences
Minitex Reference Outreach & Instruction unit exhibited and presented Ebooks Minnesota at the ITEM Conference held at the Marriott in Brooklyn Park. It was a great conference where we spent time talking with media specialists, librarians, and tech integrationists.

Banned Books: You Be the Judge
Ebooks Minnesota lets you be the judge on novels, essays, and books that have been banned from bookstores, bookshelves, and libraries throughout history.