Minitex News articles tagged with "Cataloging" (54):

Webinar highlights: Resource Management in FOLIO: A First Look
As the library world continues to evolve and become more web-friendly, there are new ventures and developments all the time. One of these emerging projects is FOLIO, which stands for Future Of Libraries Is Open. FOLIO is an open source, community based project that aims to develop a fully-functional Library Service Provider (LSP) with a modular structure that will enable organizations to use one, some, or all of the pieces depending on their needs. As FOLIO proceeds, the Open Library Environment hosts a series of FOLIOForums to update the wider community on progress and ask for feedback and input.

Deadline extended to upgrade to Connexion client 2.63
In July 2016, OCLC released Connexion client 2.63 and announced that users will not be able to log in with previous versions after February 28, 2017. There was a period of time the upgrade message did not properly display upon opening Connexion client so OCLC is extending the deadline to April 3, 2017 to allow for additional time to upgrade. This means that on April 3rd users of Connexion client 2.40, 2.50 and 2.51 will no longer be able login.

Upcoming ALCTS webinar: Cataloging, Gender, and RDA Rule 9.7
The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), a division of ALA, is offering a webinar exploring the issues surrounding RDA Rule 9.7. This is the rule that concerns recording a person's gender in the name authority record. Previously the instructions provided exactly three controlled-vocabulary options: male, female, or not known. This webinar will provide a basic introduction to queer theory and gender non-binary identities, explain the process a group of catalogers took to get the rule changed, and describe current best practices for recording gender in RDA name authority records.

RDA Toolkit new site February 28
The RDA Tookit will roll out a new site February 28. The site will include a more dynamic home page with images and headlines that will make valuable information more conspicuous and accessible, and a new section called Shop RDA, which will list new RDA-related books, webinars, and online courses with links to where these items can be purchased.

Minitex Contract Cataloging completes several projects
The Minitex Contract Cataloging program has been busy this winter! We have processed and completed projects for many libraries around the region, including Concordia College, Southwest Minnesota State University, Washington County Library, South Central Technical College - Mankato, and PACCAR Technical Library. Our catalogers process materials of all types and formats, including CDs, DVDs, technical reports, and of course monographs.

Highlights from ALCTS webinar: Linked Data Cataloging Workflows
Linked Data Cataloging Workflows is the sixth and final webinar in the From MARC to BIBFRAME series, presented by Xiaoli Li, and offered by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). The presenter covered the following topics: Background on the BIBFLOW project, cataloging workflows with BIBFRAME, and skills and training.

Highlights from ALCTS webinar: Modeling and Encoding Serials in BIBFRAME
Modeling and Encoding Serials in BIBFRAME is the 5th webinar in the From MARC to BIBFRAME series, presented by Gloria Gonzalez (Zepheira), and offered by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). The presenter covered recent efforts to map serials to BIBFRAME, issues that serials catalogers encounter using BIBFRAME, possible models for MARC to BIBFRAME serials conversion, tools for cataloging serials in a BIBFRAME environment, and how to get involved.

Highlights from ALCTS webinar: Embedding URIs in MARC using MarcEdit
Embedded URI in MARC: An Essential for Linked Data is the 3rd webinar in the From MARC to BIBFRAME series, presented by Jackie Shieh from (George Washington University Libraries), and offered by the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). The speaker continued discussing how to prepare our MARC data for transition to BIBFRAME, covered the benefits and challenges to embedding URIs into our bibliographic resources, suggested workflows for inserting URIs, and demonstrated using the open source software MarcEdit for batch look-up and insertion of URIs in bibliographic records

NDLA Annual Conference cataloging and linked data presentation slides available
It was a whirlwind trip to Dickinson, North Dakota this year to attend the North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference, September 22-23, 2016. We enjoyed seeing library staff at the Minitex booth and at the Minitex Cataloging & Metadata Update and Linked Data for the Uninitiated presentations. We hope to see you next year in Grand Forks! Slides for both presentations are included in the article.

Minitex staff head to Dickinson, North Dakota for NDLA 2016
Anne Hatinen (Cooperative Purchasing), Carol Nelson (Resource Sharing), and Sara Ring (Digital Initatives & Metadata Education) will be presenting, attending, and staffing the Minitex booth this year at the North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference in Dickinson, North Dakota, September 21-23. We're looking forward to catching up with our North Dakota library colleagues!