Minitex News articles tagged with "Cataloging" (54):

April 2016 RDA update released
As is now customary, the RDA Steering Committee (formerly the Joint Steering Committee) released updates to the RDA toolkit and instructions on April 12, 2016. The changes to the rules themselves consisted of minor and fast track changes such as correction of typos, clarification of language, and revisions to make terminology more consistent, as well as more substantive changes.

Upcoming ALCTS webinar: Current Trends & New Skills in Technical Services
In this upcoming ALCTS webinar on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., presenters will explore current trends and developments in library technical services and discuss how they will impact the future of this field of librarianship. Participants will learn about hard skills (such as programming, language acquisition, time management, and metadata schema) and soft skills (such as collaboration, creativity, initiative, and overall attitude) that will be instrumental in his/her success in the future of technical services.

Library of Congress to Cancel the Subject Heading “Illegal Aliens”
In response to constituent requests, the Policy and Standards Division of the Library of Congress has investigated the possibility of cancelling or revising the heading, "Illegal aliens." It concluded that the meaning of "Aliens" is often misunderstood and should be revised to "Noncitizens," and that the phrase illegal aliens has become pejorative.

Web courses from the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
There are a number of new webinars and courses from ALCTS (Association for Library Collections & Technical Services) recently announced.

Results of feedback on future Minitex cataloging and digital skills training
Recently we asked for your feedback on what cataloging and digital skills topics are needed and of interest to libraries and other cultural heritage organizations in the region.

Free webinar from American Libraries Live: Introducing RDA
Thursday, February 11, 2016 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Central)

Cataloging and metadata sessions at ALA Midwinter
We are just around the corner from ALA Midwinter, held this year in sunny Boston, and you may be trying to decide what sessions to attend. I've pulled out a few of the ones that are most interesting from a cataloging/metadata point of view.

Seeking feedback on future Minitex cataloging and digital skills training offerings
There's still time to give input to us on your cataloging and digital skills training needs via this short survey: Please feel free to share with other staff at your institution. Your feedback will be really valuable as we begin to plan our 2016 training calendar.

New Minitex webinar: RDA best practices for cataloging DVDs, streaming media, video games, & music materials
Title: All the Best! RDA Best Practices Guides from OLAC and MLA
Date: November 17, 2015
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Cost: No charge

RDA original cataloging workshop scheduled in Moorhead, MN
RDA for Original Cataloging
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Oct. 15th (9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) & Oct. 16th (8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
Registration deadline: October 9, 2015