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Minnesota libraries have a wide variety of data needs, many of which they resolve on their own. But on occasion we've all grappled with the hope that the data we seek is already at someone else's fingertips.


Minnesota libraries have a wide variety of data needs, many of which they resolve on their own. But on occasion we've all grappled with the hope that the data we seek is already at someone else's fingertips.

The Saint Paul Public Library recently encountered just such a situation, and we were able to help. Specifically, they asked if we had a list of Minnesota cities paired with their corresponding zip codes, counties, and public library systems. We did indeed have all the information, but it was contained in separate lists, so we set to work combining spreadsheets and looking up data where we identified gaps. The resulting spreadsheet is now located on the MNLINK website.

Minitex provides all of those services you have come to know and love, from facilitating resource sharing, to learning more about metadata and cataloging, to reference instruction for schools and libraries, to purchasing database access and other library products. But that's not all. When you have a one-off question like this one, please do think of us. We just may have the information you need.

Written by

Nick Banitt
Resource Sharing Manager
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