by Agnes Lee
Quick Summary
Minitex staff works on overdues throughout the year. If your workload is a little slower right now, this might be a good time for to follow up on outstanding bills.

Fall semester is winding down, this is the season to:
- Act on those bills you neatly stacked according to the dates they were received.
- Review your overdue items as a lender and a borrower.
- Send bills as needed.
- Pay bills, especially when the student has graduated.
Minitex staff works on overdues throughout the year. When we receive a bill from a lender, we forward the bill to the borrower. This is also a good time for us to follow up on outstanding bills. An increasing number of lenders are willing to accept replacement copies. When the lender agrees to a replacement copy, this tends to be less costly for the borrowing library and patron than paying traditional replacement costs. But, please do check with us before purchasing a replacement copy so we can make sure the lender will accept it. We want to keep our libraries happy by returning their items promptly. If you feel it is time to bill your patron, let me know and I can request a bill from the lender.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.