... June 20th. In my work world, it is also the day I officially begin working on those overdue items and billing notices that have been accumulating through the last academic year. I won't name names, but some of you know who you are. I imagine you see my handwriting on the front of an envelope and without opening it, set it aside.
The notes I send to you might be to request a bill if you are a lender. Minitex is an itemless location, so we rely on our lenders to send us an invoice for a lost item before we can clear a transaction. Without a bill, the entire process stalls.
Some libraries are willing to accept replacement copies which can be less expensive. To use that option, first, make sure the library will accept a replacement. Next, make sure you follow the lender's guidelines exactly before you purchase an item. Some libraries prefer the most recent edition of an item. The University of Minnesota Twin Cities will only accept the exact edition, with no markings. Finally, even with the replacement option, the lender may require a processing fee.
Please contact me if you have any questions about this topic. Enjoy your summer!