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Quick Summary

Check out some statistics on delivery.


Every day we use the Minitex blue and gray bins to ship ILL items to our participants on the overnight courier system. The number of bins we ship and receive varies from day-to-day but we have an average over the course of a month that helps us estimate our daily numbers. We have 4 staff working various shifts 6 days a week. We track each tub that comes in and goes out. It does not tell us what is inside but it is a good indicator of our volume in a month.

Earlier this year we changed the delivery to a handful of locations to an "on demand" service. The result was that the number of tubs we have handled is down from last year while our overall number of individual items processed is up. In November we received an average of 86 tubs each day and we sent out an average of 89 tubs each day.



Written by

Fred Finch
Delivery Manager
Resource Sharing & Delivery logo.

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