by Carol Nelson
Quick Summary
Minitex ranks second as a resource sharing lender on the OCLC system for 2020.

This year, Minitex ranks as OCLC’s #2 Lender with 34,882 requests! The top OCLC lender this year was the University of Michigan, with 36,910 transactions.
Minitex Resource Sharing staff processes more requests on Alma and VDX than on OCLC. In FY2020 Minitex processed a total of 258,753 requests from all systems. Like most libraries, we saw a drop of 23% due in part to the COVID-19 suspension of services when compared to FY2019. Here are the number of incoming requests we saw on other ILL systems this fiscal year:
- 127,429 on VDX
- 46,520 on Alma
- 8,600 on Wiscat
As a borrower, Minitex was 8th on OCLC with 20,845 requests. The University of Minnesota - MNU requested 31,267 items through OCLC. Take a look at the rest of OCLC’ s top 100 list here.