Quick Summary
Minitex Resource Sharing is seeking input on the future of the ILL Policy Database. We want to make sure it is still a useful service to Minnesota libraries. To help guide our decision, please complete our five-minute survey before it closes on Friday, September 24. Thank you!

The Minitex Resource Sharing department is seeking input on the future of the ILL Policy Database. If you are not an interlibrary loan contact, please feel free to forward share this article with the correct person.
The ILL Policy Database includes contact information, hours, billing practices, overdue policies, and delivery and lending policies for many of the Minitex libraries. Because of the age of the software, this database can no longer be effectively maintained. We are tentatively planning to rebuild this database, but want to make sure that this is still a useful service to Minnesota libraries.
To help guide our decision, please take a brief look at your library's entry in the ILL Policy Database, then answer the survey below. The estimated time to complete the survey is under five minutes. The survey will close on Friday, September 24.
Minitex ILL Policy Database Survey
Thank you!