Quick Summary
The OCLC Resource Sharing Conference took place on March 19-21, 2019 in Jacksonville, Florida. It was a great opportunity to connect with ILL colleagues and learn about the latest advancements in resource sharing, including innovative approaches to patron service and int

The OCLC Resource Sharing Conference took place on March 19-21, 2019 in Jacksonville, Florida. It was a great opportunity to connect with ILL colleagues and learn about the latest advancements in resource sharing, including innovative approaches to patron service and interlibrary loan workflows. Conference highlights included:
- OCLC product update session
- Atlas Systems update
- Multiple networking opportunities that included an evening reception and dinner event
- Member-led breakout sessions
During the conference, OCLC celebrated 40 years of OCLC interlibrary loan services! One of the events included pictures with pirates and flamenco dancing!
Pictured above: Pirates, Raquel Franklin (Minitex), Carol Nelson (Minitex) and Faith Bonitz (Univerity of St. Thomas).