by Carol Nelson
Quick Summary
The latest release of WorldShare Interlibrary Loan users occurred on August 22, 2015. Find out more about the new features.

WorldShare Interlibrary loan users, have you noticed the changes from the latest release on August 22, 2015? Here is a quick list of the new features:
- As of September 1, 2015, IFM charges are triggered when the lender “ships” the item instead of when the borrower “receives” the item. (A refund workflow is being planned for the October release, but until that time, we should continue to use “dummy” requests for IFM refunds, when necessary.)
- “Edition” information is now transferred from WorldCat Discovery to WorldShare ILL for all formats. (Prior to this release, pertinent edition information was only transferred for books.)
- When creating a request, details remain viewable at the top of a page.
- Multiple custom holdings paths can be used to generate holdings for book-club lender strings. There is also a link in the request history showing the original and new (or cloned) requests.
To see additional details and get all the news on the latest release, check the OCLC website.