by Agnes Lee
Quick Summary
Resource Sharing staff periodically review our policies to ensure that they meet the changing needs of the user community.

Resource Sharing staff periodically review our policies to ensure that they meet the changing needs of the user community. Our existing policy of not supplying more than one volume per request is an area we've identified as needing to change. Effective Monday, May 18, 2015, we will send up to five volumes (six volumes, if it completes a set) per ILL request when filled from the collections at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Libraries.
This change is limited to those items that are filled at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Libraries. Provision of more than one volume per request will be at the discretion of our partnering libraries when filling a referral request for Minitex.
Please contact Agnes Lee at; 1-800-462-5348; 612-624-4574, if you have any questions.