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Dear Del ILLa discusses editions in her latest reply.


Dear Del ILLa,
When I send loan requests to Minitex I sometimes get a different edition than what was asked for on the request. I am curious about your policy on substituting editions for books and audiovisual formats.

Dear reader,

At Minitex, we try to send the edition you requested. When that edition is not available and we do not see  “this edition only” on the request, we sometimes substitute editions. Depending on the type of material, we might send a message to the borrowing library asking if a substitute edition is acceptable. For audiovisual items, we have a similar policy, but we do not substitute format. If you request a Blu-ray we do not substitute with DVD.

Periodically we survey our users about format substitution, and we are planning another survey soon. In any case, you can specify “this edition only” and Minitex will only fill the request if that edition is available.

Written by

Agnes Lee
Resource Sharing Manager
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