Quick Summary
We are extending the call for proposals for the 2023 Minitex Technical Services Symposium! The new deadline is Friday, September 1st, and we welcome your ideas. The Symposium will take place in person on Monday, October 30th at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul, Minnesota.

We are extending the call for proposals for the 2023 Minitex Technical Services Symposium! The new deadline is Friday, September 1st.
The Symposium will take place in person on October 30th at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. The planning committee has provided several ideas for topics related to the theme Creating a Sustainable Future in Technical Services, but we are also looking to round out the program with other topics too. If you have an idea for a session, but it doesn't fit under anything in the list below, please still consider submitting a proposal!
Call for Proposals
Share your experiences and best practices for sustainability in Technical Services! How do you respond to and prepare for emerging technologies, standards, and changes to technical services work? Have you found ordinary or extraordinary ways of communicating the value of invisible labor? How do you tell the technical services story to your leaders and community members? How do partnerships, communities of practice, or teams help you find solutions or tap into creativity? We welcome proposals on complete projects as well as works in progress and emerging ideas.
Topics may include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Invisible labor (including systems work) in technical services
- Storytelling and technical services work
- Cooperation and compatibility in technical services work
- Communicating the value of technical services work
- Responding to emerging technologies and standards (ChatGPT, BIBFRAME, AI, RDA…)
- Or more!
Deadline: September 1, 2023
Session Length: 45 minutes
Format: May include single or multiple speakers, panel discussions, or other formats.
Questions: tss-plan-comm@umn.edu
Proposal Information
When you submit a proposal, you will be asked to indicate:
- Type of session (solo presenter, group/panel presentations, round table, or other)
- Connection to suggested topics (if applicable)
- Title and description
- Learning objectives
- Audience engagement
- Preference for recording your presentation at the conference
- Presenter contact information and co-presenter details (if applicable)
Vendors may also submit proposals, but we ask that they be in partnership with a library or cultural heritage organization to discuss projects and initiatives.
We strongly encourage presenters from all backgrounds, staff/student roles and organizations to submit proposals. The planning committee will review and rank submissions based on the clarity of the written proposal, alignment with the goals and theme of the conference, thoughtfulness of the learning objectives, and attention to audience engagement.