by Molly Huber
Quick Summary
The Minnesota Digital Library is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 project year.

The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) has opened its new project year, and there are some exciting anniversaries to celebrate. First, we are looking for content related to the 250th anniversary of the United States, which is coming up in 2026. The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) has published five overarching themes that are relevant throughout the nation, and MDL is looking for Minnesota materials that fall within them. We are also seeking content connected to past similar celebrations, such as the centennial (1876), sesquicentennial (1926), and bicentennial (1976), to help us highlight these important events.
Second, the Minnesota Digital Library will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2025. If you were one of our early contributors, we would love to reconnect with you and celebrate your collection!
MDL is also accepting applications to digitize general Minnesota content not necessarily related to these anniversaries. We welcome a wide variety of subject matter and formats, and encourage potential contributors to think broadly about what is "historic," and consider sharing more recent items as well as older ones.
More information and applications forms are available via the Minnesota Digital Library's Call for Projects. You can also contact me directly at or 612-301-1329 to talk about a potential project. We will accept applications until May 24, 2024, or until all of our funds for this phase are fully allocated, whichever comes first.