by Molly Huber
Quick Summary
MDL staff hosted a regional meeting in Roseau and then visited libraries and museums in northwest Minnesota.

Earlier this week, MDL staff Greta Bahnemann, Stephanie Hess, and Molly Huber, joined by Minitex Director Maggie Snow, hosted a regional meeting in Roseau, MN, just ten miles south of the Canadian border. We had a small but engaged group of area county historical society staff, librarians, and community educators who learned about recent MDL initiatives, standardized rights statements for archival collections, and how to create digital story maps. We all also had the opportunity to tour both the Roseau Public Library and the Roseau County Historical Society, which are located in the same building. Following the meeting, MDL staff traveled throughout the region visiting colleagues at libraries and museums in Baudette, Thief River Falls, and Bemidji. There is a lot of great work being done in northwestern Minnesota and it was a privilege to get to see the people doing that work in person and tour their facilities. Thank you to everyone we met for the warm welcome and for sharing your time with MDL.