Quick Summary
Are you feeling cooped up but also don’t want to leave the house because it’s winter? If so, check out the Minnesota Digital Library's latest online map exhibit on winter recreation in Minnesota from the comfort of your couch.

Are you feeling cooped up but also don’t want to leave the house because it’s winter? Are you missing the Olympics? Are you curious what skis looked like 100 years ago? Are you a big fan of the St. Paul Winter Carnival? If so, check out the Minnesota Digital Library's latest online map exhibit on winter recreation in Minnesota from the comfort of your couch. Explore over thirty images of winter recreation in the past, from all corners of the state, to see what has changed and what has stayed the same.
This latest map joins three other interactive maps on our Maps Project Page, including a Mississippi River map, a Carnegie Libraries map, and a postcard map. We encourage you to discover significant places in Minnesota history with the Minnesota Digital Library’s map exhibits. We will be adding more soon!
Image: Fond du Lac Park winter skiing photo by F. Rodney Paine, Duluth, 1929. Source: University of Minnesota Duluth, Kathryn A. Martin Library, Northeast Minnesota Historical Collections.