Quick Summary
A new Primary Source Set has been added to the Minnesota Digital Library Primary Source Set Collection. The set highlights the history of this photographic technique. The Minnesota Digital Library holds more than 600 of these photographs with subjects ranging from architecture, famous people, historic events, and natural disasters.

A new Primary Source Set has been added to the Minnesota Digital Library Primary Source Set Collection. The Format Highlight: Stereographs source set briefly explores the history this photographic technique. Stereographs are easily recognizable with their nearly identical images mounted onto cardstock. They are found in many historic photography collections in both museums and libraries.
Stereographs were developed in the 1850s and were most popular in the years between 1870 and 1920. These images were made widely available to the middle class in both England and the United States. Stereographs were available for purchase via direct sales, mail order, or for purchase in many photography studios. The popularity of the images peeked in the 1920s, but the technology behind the format lived on in Tru-Vue stereoscopic filmstrips and the children’s View-Master.
The Minnesota Digital Library Primary Source Sets are designed to highlight primary source materials in MDL that relate to a specific topic, while providing context to help students and researchers better understand historic events and the resulting documentation created by the people who experienced these events.