by Sara Ring
Quick Summary
Scan for Keeps program nformation is now available on the Minnesota Digital Library website under the Projects section. Scan for Keeps is a program developed for the purpose of loaning digitization kits for community scanning events. Kits are available for libraries, historical societies, and other organizations to encourage community engagement and foster preservation education.
You may have heard about one of our newest Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) programs, Scan for Keeps, at various library conference presentations or through word of mouth. We now have information available on the Minnesota Digital Library website under the Projects section.
Scan for Keeps is a program developed for the purpose of loaning digitization kits for community scanning events. Kits are available for libraries, historical societies, and other organizations to encourage community engagement and foster preservation education.
On the webpage you'll find an overview of the program, a list of the equipment included in each scanning kit, information about planning and hosting an event at your organization, including suggested forms, and instructions on how to check out the kits from Minitex. Take a look, and let us know if you're interested in trying out this new service!