by Molly Huber
Quick Summary
Join us for an open office hour on the topic of virtual online conference planning, Tuesday, March 29th at 11 am. Minitex staff members Carla Pfahl and Sara Ring have authored a helpful online conference planning guide and will be on hand to answer questions and discuss how to successfully organize one.
The Minnesota Digital Library is hosting a free, virtual Open Office Hour focused on online conference planning. Many of us have attended online conferences in the past two years, but may have questions about planning them, and how they differ from organizing an in-person conference. Minitex staff members Carla Pfahl and Sara Ring have authored a helpful online conference planning guide based on their experience with these events, and will be on hand to answer your questions about how to successfully organize one. The open office hour takes place on Tuesday, March 29th at 11 am. Register here to join us!
Image from the collection of Carleton College Archives.