Quick Summary
The Minnesota Digital Library is excited to announce the addition of new materials to the Saint Paul Public Library collection in Minnesota Reflections. The Saint Paul Public Library has added eleven more volumes of the proceedings of the city of St. Paul's Common Council duirng the years 1867 - 1878. These books mark an important addition relating to the early history of St. Paul and Ramsey County. Each volume records Council business, correspondence, and new city resolutions. Minnesota Reflections now contains 18 volumnes of the Common Council Proceedings spanning the years 1859 - 1878.

The Minnesota Digital Library is excited to announce the addition of new materials to the Saint Paul Public Library collection in Minnesota Reflections. The Saint Paul Public Library has added eleven more volumes of the proceedings of the city of St. Paul's Common Council duirng the years 1867 - 1878. These books mark an important addition relating to the early history of St. Paul and Ramsey County. Each volume records Council business, correspondence, and new city resolutions. Minnesota Reflections now contains 18 volumnes of the Common Council Proceedings spanning the years 1859 - 1878.
Click here to view Saint Paul Public Library's set of proceedings.