Quick Summary
The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) is now on Instagram! Follow us @mndiglibrary for all things Minnesota history. We'll share some of the great photographs, maps, documents and more contributed to MDL by cultural heritage organizations across the state of Minnesota.

The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) is now on Instagram! Follow us @mndiglibrary for all things Minnesota history. We'll share some of the great photographs, maps, documents and more contributed to MDL by cultural heritage organizations across the state of Minnesota.
By joining Instagram, MDL adds to its social media presence (we're also on Facebook and Twitter). We regularly post MDL items of the week, Tuesday tips, and Friday collection highlights, as well as related news and announcements. We also tag contributing institutions to enable even more connections and discovery.
We are excited to reach more people this way as we support our mission to promote discovery and education through access to the unique digital collections on our site.