by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
Immigrant Stories, a project of the Immigration History Research Center hosted by the Minnesota Digital Library, is set to expand thanks to an award from the National Endowment for the Humani

Immigrant Stories, a project of the Immigration History Research Center hosted by the Minnesota Digital Library, is set to expand thanks to an award from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The project's oral histories (currently more than 100) are available on the Minnesota's Immigrants and Digital Public Library of America websites.
According to a news release from the University of Minnesota's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the IHRC "has been awarded a Digital Humanities Implementation expand their innovative project, Immigrant Stories, on a national scale. This extremely competitive grant provides $324,121 to the IHRC over two years to foster humanities research, technological innovation in the digital humanities, and public dialogue around immigration. It empowers recent immigrants and refugees with digital storytelling tools to document, preserve, and share their experiences with the wider American public. These multimedia stories are preserved and made publicly available through the IHRC Archives, the Minnesota Digital Library, and the Digital Public Library of America."
IHRC Director Erika Lee and Program Associate Elizabeth Venditto are listed as the project's directors in an NEH news release. IHRC is an interdisciplinary research center of the University of Minnesota's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and works closely with the Immigration History Research Center Archives of the University Libraries.