by Molly Huber
Quick Summary
On Wednesday, May 31st, the 15th MDL Annual Meeting was held at the Continuing Education and Conference Center on the University of Minnesota's St. Paul campus. Over 100 people came together to hear a keynote presentation on Umbra Search African American History, a project to facilitate access to African American history through a website and search widget; digitization of over 500,000 items; and creation of workshops and public forums to promote access to culturally diverse collections.

On Wednesday, May 31st, the 15th MDL Annual Meeting was held at the Continuing Education and Conference Center on the University of Minnesota's St. Paul campus. Over 100 people came together to hear a keynote presentation on Umbra Search African American History, a project to facilitate access to African American history through a website and search widget; digitization of over 500,000 items; and creation of workshops and public forums to promote access to culturally diverse collections. Breakout sessions during the afternoon were on topics as diverse as new mapping and geospatial initiatives, uses for Timeline JS, the work of the Northfield History Collaborative, experiences and stories from a sampling of Minnesota Reflections contributors, how to leverage Wikipedia for activism and to achieve greater inclusion, and the new Minnesota Reflections Primary Source Sets. Attendees also were introduced to both the enhanced search possbilities now available in Minnesota Reflections and to the Minnesota Libraries Publishing Project, a self-publishing platform for Minnesota's independent authors. To learn more about any of these presentations, please visit the MDL website for video, presentation slides, and handouts.