by Carla Pfahl
Quick Summary
The Points of View Reference Center has been updated to EBSCO’s Explora interface and has a new link.

The Points of View Reference Center has been updated to EBSCO’s Explora interface. As part of their work to update all EBSCOhost and specialized interfaces, Points of View is the last featured resource to be upgraded in our ELM collection.
Points of View Reference Center is a pro/con database that provides informative articles on over a thousand unique and timely topics that examine the Point (pro argument), Counterpoint (con argument), Overview of the topic, and a Guide to Critical Analysis to help students understand how to debate a topic, identify fact from opinion, and where to find more information about the topic. In the new interface, when viewing search results for a topic, the featured articles for Point/Counterpoint/Overview/Guide will be accessible via the Source Type filter > Points of View.
With this upgrade comes a new URL. The new URL will have in the string. The URL for the old interface ( will be discontinued in January, 2025. Any direct links to the resources will need to be updated to the new structure by January. This also affects copied ELM proxy links. Please visit the How to Create Links section of the Educator and Librarian Learning Center ( for more information about setting up your links.