by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
A little-known eLibrary Minnesota resource, Science Reference Center, packs a punch when looking for science-related information.

A little-known eLibrary Minnesota resource, Science Reference Center, packs a punch when looking for science-related information. This database contains full-text content to support high-school science classrooms. Like all of the eLibrary MN resources, Science Reference Center (SRC), integrates with Google Drive and Google Classroom and offers text-to-speech for HTML articles to aid auditory learners, struggling readers or English Language Learners.
Aside from full-text science magazines and journals, SRC contains the full-text of reference books and encylopedias, as well as full-length biographies for over 4,000 scientists. You can also access over 1,000 science experiments for home or the classroom. A recent addition includes lesson plans aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
SRC is loaded with high-quality multimedia including thousands of images from UPI, Getty, NASA, and the National Geographic and Nature Picture Library. These include photographs from some of the world's best nature and wildlife photographers. Thousands of science-related videos are available in SRC too. Bioclips is a collection of short-form clips that are curated and copyright-cleared for classroom use. Media4Math includes video tutorials in algebra and geometry. You can also access over 200 three-minute videos that align with NGSS and cover topics in the earth, space, life, physical and applied sciences.