by Matt Lee
Quick Summary
Two excellent groups of librarians in Southwest Minnesota convened to discuss and learn more about ELM this August.

Two excellent groups of librarians in Southwest Minnesota convened to discuss and learn more about ELM this August. The workshops were hosted by Slayton Public Library and Willmar Public Library and were organized by the Southwest Area Multicounty Multitype Interlibrary Exchange (SAMMIE). We spent quite a bit of time on LearningExpress Library, the newest ELM resource, but also reviewed a number of other databases that have been a part of ELM for some time.
It was fun to hear attendees discuss how these resources will help them to augment existing programs and services and to brainstorm ways that they might help their libraries to reach out to new partners and community members.
Thanks to all who attended, to SAMMIE for organizing, and to Plum Creek and Pioneerland Library Systems for promoting.