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If you are looking for information specific to a company you can find company profiles of publicly traded companies in Business Source Premier. You can also find information about that company from the profile page. Here’s how to go about finding that information.


If you are looking for information specific to a company, you can find company profiles of publicly traded companies in Business Source Premier. You can also find information about that company from the profile page. Here's how to go about finding that information. 

From the main search page, click on the Company Profiles tab at the top of the page. Then, enter the name of the company in the search field. In this example,, I'm searching for Wells Fargo. There is a profile description of the company as well as a MarketLine Report. Also, notice on the left side below the PDF MarketLine Report are links to a variety of Related Information. 

Clicking on the content type Trade Publications brings me to a search results page with several articles from trade publications with my term "Wells Fargo & Company" in the search field. 

There are a lot of results. A good way to narrow my set of results is by looking at the different Subjects located on the left side of the results. If I were looking for articles related to the recent scandals associated with Wells Fargo, I see there is a subject listed for that and can select it to bring down my set of results. Looking for Full Text articles, I can limit my results to just Full Text by selecting that option on the left side as well.

Once I select an article there are several options I have. Reviewing the Tools on the right side of the article, I can save the article to Google Drive, print it, cite it with one of many citation options, use the permalink to get back to the article or send it to a friend. 

Using the Company Profiles tool in Business Source Premier can help provide a more refined search for a company than if I just search for that company on its own. 

Written by

Carla Pfahl
Outreach & Instruction Librarian, AskMN Coordinator
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