Quick Summary
Wish to take your ELM knowledge further or just need a refresher? Or are you looking for ELM set up information?

Wish to take your ELM knowledge further or just need a refresher? Or are you looking for ELM set up information? The ELM Information & Learning Commons is an eCommons for library staff where learning to navigate and master the content in the Electronic Library for Minnesota databases at your own pace is the focus. The eCommons includes seven modules for which you may earn a certificate of completion or just jump in wherever you need a refresher.
Use the ELM Information & Learning Commons to discover all things ELM such as setting up links on your library webpage, gathering usage statistics, exploring content included in ELM resources, reviewing basic and advanced searching tips, practicing search scenarios with a live database, finding links to additional learning materials created by Reference Outreach & Instruction librarians and more!
To learn more about the ELM Information & Learning Commons take our brief, introductory virtual tour. If you have any questions about the Electronic Library for Minnesota or the eCommons, please contact us.