by Matt Lee
Quick Summary
We have extended the contracts for the current collection one additional year from the original agreement, which means that this collection will remain available as-is through June 30th, 2020.

The Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) provides a collection of state-tax-funded library databases that support libraries of all types across the state. The current collection includes databases from Encyclopedia Britannica, Gale, EBSCO, LearningExpress, ProQuest, and OCLC.
We have extended the contracts for the current collection one additional year from the original agreement, which means that this collection will remain available as-is through June 30th, 2020.
Listening sessions held across the state over the last few months have indicated overwhelming positive feedback about the current databases from different library types. There is benefit in stability with this broad and deep collection.
You can access the ELM databases via the ELM portal, set up direct links to any of the databases on your library website, access self-paced training, and request instruction to be held either online or in person. Thank you for using ELM!
If you have any questions, drop me a line any time: / 612-624-1024