by Linda Mork
Quick Summary
Are you working with high school students who are exploring colleges and looking for scholarships?

Are you working with high school students who are exploring colleges and looking for scholarships? Encourage them to check out the School and Scholarship Finder in EBSCO's LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator, a resource available in the Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM).
Once students create a free account in LearningExpress, they can use the School Finder to search for colleges across the country by state or region, available majors, cost, and enrollment size among other factors. They can then select and save colleges that interest them and even compare colleges side by side. The Scholarship Finder searches over 24,000 scholarships and other awards totaling more than seven billion dollars! To learn more about how to access and use these resources, watch this recorded webinar or send your questions my way.