by Carla Pfahl
Quick Summary
OCLC, the vendor for CAMIO, is no longer supporting this product and has taken access down as of March 31, 2019.

OCLC, the vendor for CAMIO, is no longer supporting this product and has taken access down as of March 31, 2019. We will no longer carry CAMIO as part of ELM. Comparable to CAMIO, Reference Outreach & Instruction suggest two other (non-ELM) resources: ARTSTOR (public collection) and DPLA.
ARTSTOR has a main focus as a teaching tool for academic libraries and you do need to subscribe to access the digital collection (Minitex does not have a subscription to this). However, they have a very large public domain collection that is free to the public. Make sure when you search the collection to limit by Public under Collections from the search results. It won't be too hard to figure out what is accessible and what is not.
Access to ARTSTOR:
Information about the Public Collection:
DPLA, Digital Public Library of America, is focused on preserving the cultural heritage of America. While its focus is not specifically artists you will find many art works in here.
Access to DPLA:
While we were not consulted about OCLC's decision to remove CAMIO from its suite of resources we understand that it was a valuable tool to many libraries, schools, researchers, and the general public. We encourage use of ARTSTOR and DPLA as comparable alternatives.