by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
Ebooks Minnesota contains many award-winning books, as well as several books written by award-winning authors. As we move into 2023, I will be highlighting some of these titles via the Minitex Messenger.

Ebooks Minnesota contains many award-winning books, as well as several books written by award-winning authors. As we move into 2023, I will be highlighting some of these titles via the Minitex Messenger.
First up is Beautiful Music for Ugly Children, by Kirstin Cronn-Mills, winner of the American Library Association's Stonewall Book Award in 2014. "The Stonewall Book Awards are given annually to English-language works of exceptional merit for children or teens relating to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender experience."
The story focuses on a teen coming of age while coming out as transgender. "Gabe" struggles to find his place amongst friends and community. Gabe is a DJ on a community radio station and is passionate about music which adds to the flow of the book. Beautiful Music for Ugly Children offers some humor within an otherwise serious story and makes for an important and empowering book.