by Beth Staats
Quick Summary
Knowledge Unlatched and BiblioLabs have partnered to provide improved access to Open Access (OA) materials worldwide. This has resulted in the addition of 270 scholarly monographs to Ebooks Minnesota. Knowledge Unlatched
Knowledge Unlatched and BiblioLabs have partnered to provide improved access to Open Access (OA) materials worldwide. This has resulted in the addition of 270 scholarly monographs to Ebooks Minnesota. Knowledge Unlatched is an Open Access cooperative funding OA books and journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences. These books can be found in the Ebooks Minnesota Scholarly Resources module and they are organized further into the following collections:
Gender Studies
Political Science
Religious Studies
Library & Information Science
Literary Criticisms
Music & Performing Arts
Film Studies
Media Studies
Health & Medicine
You can access or downlaod the full title list of Knowlege Unlatched content in Ebooks Minnesota at the FAQ page. We will be adding more OA and scholarly content as it becomes available.